Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Powers ‘Octapod’ Portable Music Player
If you can’t find the device you want, there’s no reason you can’t make it yourself from scratch—at least, that seems to be the trend in the Raspberry Pi community. Today we’ve got a project to share from a maker named Anil, aka one_free_man_ as he’s known as over at Reddit, who’s created a portable handheld device known as the Octapod.
The Octapod is built around a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and runs DietPi, a low resource Linux operating system designed to create appliances. Backed up with a touchscreen interface, it works as a custom music player with the help of an application called Lollypop. Anil has programmed the Octapod so that it boots straight into the music-playing interface so no extra steps are necessary to load up your favorite songs.
In addition to the touchscreen, there are also a few buttons that can be used to control settings. A power button is used to safely turn the Pi on and off while a sync button is included to wake up the device, launch services, and close the music application.
Read more: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Powers ‘Octapod’ Portable Music Player