Raspberry Pi Pico Powers Radio Transmitter
Hunter Adams embraced his latest Raspberry Pi project to a very interesting idea. Hes managed to create an AM radio resonant using his favorite microcontroller, the Raspberry Pi Pico. The big problem is this logical way of understanding the complex of things that this microcontroller can be in.
Adams was kind enough to share a demo of the original design with great results. He examines the configuration of the hardware and how you can recreate it in the house. It can be used by accepting audio input from a microphone, which then is passed into the Pico in order to transmit the message with a carrier wave.
It is worth noting that this project may or may not be legal to duplicate according to how much you live. Some localities require the permits to broadcast radio signals. If you want to make something similar, please take the time to test the legality of this project before you whip out your soldering iron.
Read More: Raspberry Pi Pico Powers Radio Transmitter – Game News 24