Raspberry Pi Pico Detects Accidents and Sends for Help
Developing projects on the Raspberry Pi comes with its fair share of obstacles; but what if you could monitor for disaster along the way? SVS Embedded has put together a project designed to do just that with their Pico-powered vehicle accident detection kit.
This is one of many projects developed by the team at SVS Embedded. If you haven’t heard of them before; they specialized in creating microelectronics projects for students and offering kits with everything you need to recreate them at home. We recently covered their Raspberry Pi Pico attendance system which uses an RFID sensor to verify user identity.
This project uses a Pico along with a GPS module, accelerometer, alcohol sensor and cellular module; to detect accidents and send an SMS notification for help. In the demo video, the project is demonstrated using a small robotic car with motors also controlled by the Pico. The project is a proof of concept; to show how a Raspberry Pi Pico and the components can be used to create a potentially life saving device. The project could be easily integrated into a real vehicle.
Read more: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-pico-crash-detection-system