Tiny Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Robot Made For Robot Sumo
The Raspberry Pi in robotics is a smart mix—but what happens if the kit you ordered doesn’t support the Pi? You get creative like maker and developer WallComputer, of course! In this Raspberry Pi Zumo project; they’ve converted the classic Pololu Arduino Zumo kit to support the latest Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
This tiny robot uses tank-like treads to get around; which provide the traction needed for Sumo robots designed to push each other around. Traditionally this type of robot is controlled by an Arduino Uno; but this version uses both a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and an STM32 microcontroller; with a little help from a couple of custom PCBs. To see how much has been modified, take a look at the original product listing for the Zumo kit over at Pololu’s website. This modification was not only necessary to use the Pi; but also to add additional features like a rechargeable battery pack.
WallComputer has a knack for microelectronics as demonstrated in his GitHub project history which includes things like this temperature; pressure and humidity tracking project. However, this project is arguably one of the most involved creations they’ve shared to date; next to the tinyDeck, a pocket-sized Pi Zero 2 W-powered personal PC.
Read More: Tiny Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Robot Made For Robot Sumo | Tom’s Hardware