How to Use Raspberry Pi via VNC
Building a project where you need to access the Raspberry Pi remotely? You can enable SSH on the Pi and access it remotely via a terminal from another system. However, not everyone is comfortable with the terminal and commands. An alternative is to access the Raspberry Pi via VNC. This way, you create a remote connection to the Pi and use it graphically like it was connected to your monitor and keyboard.
Of course, such a connection may lag a little depending on the Raspberry Pi system configuration and network speed.
But at least you get to access it graphically remotely.
It consists of these steps:
- Enable VNC from settings in Raspberry Pi
- Use a VNC client on the remote computer from where you want to access your Pi (on the same subnetwork)
- (optionally) Setup complicated VNC configuration or use paid option of Real VNC to access the Pi over the internet
Let me show you how to remote into the Raspberry Pi using the VNC software. But first, a quick
What is VNC?
The term VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. Think of it as SSH but with GUI. It lets you remote into a computer on a network and allows you to control it using the normal GUI as if you’re physically using it. VNC is equivalent to the TeamViewer sort of application.
In our case, VNC will help us control the Raspberry Pi over the network, but as if the mouse, keyboard and display were physically attached to the Raspberry Pi. VNC is not limited to being used on PCs. You can control your Raspberry Pi from a phone or a tablet as well!
There are several VNC software available. I am going to use RealVNC here. It’s (probably) a proprietary solution from the original creators of the VNC protocol.
Read More: How to Use Raspberry Pi via VNC – It’s FOSS