How to Control your Raspberry Pi through Windows via SSH
A headless computer is a computer without a monitor. This computer can be anything – it doesn’t even have to be a Raspberry Pi. To give an example, the web server that lets you access this webpage from any part of the world is probably a headless computer from some data facility.
Headless computers can be controlled through different means. Some listen to a webpage to receive commands. Others let you remote connect to them and control them via commands on a console. This time, we’ll be doing the latter.
Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into a Headless Computer
We’ll split this up into three parts. The first one is for downloading PuTTY for Windows. Then the second one would be for preparing the Raspberry Pi for SSH. The last part will be for logging into the Raspberry Pi through Windows via SSH.
Download PuTTY for Windows
- First, download the x86 version of PuTTY. If you are unsure of your Windows PC’s architecture, the safe bet is to download the 32-bit version as it can run on both 32- and 64-bit systems. Download the 64-bit version only if you’re sure that you’re using a 64-bit system.

- Run the installer and finish the installation wizard.

- After finishing the wizard, let’s set that aside and configure the Raspberry Pi to allow SSH.

Read More: How to Control your Raspberry Pi through Windows via SSH – Make Tech Easier