3D Printing A Raspberry Pi Case That AI Designed
There has recently been a few videos where people have been experimenting with Dream Studio’s AI image generator. So, MICHAEL KLEMENTS thought he’d try giving it a few prompts to generate interesting desktop computer case designs that he could turn into a new case for his Raspberry Pi.
Like with any software package, there was a bit of a learning curve in getting meaningful results out of it. He quickly discovered that putting the words “Raspberry Pi” into the prompt typically resulted in some sort of green PCB showing up in the image – which didn’t resemble a Raspberry Pi at all and wasn’t all that useful for an enclosure.
He had better success using prompts along the lines of “desktop computer case” or “mini desktop computer” with words like “modern”, “futuristic” or “high tech”.

Steampunk designs came up with some interesting results as well. He quite liked this design that came up and might try to turn this into the case as a future project – this might be a project to get he’s resin printer out for.

After an hour or so of generating images, he eventually got a few images that looked like they could be used for a case design, and this is the design that best caught his eye. So, he’s going to try to model this design and then adapt it to house his Raspberry Pi.

Here’s the video of the project, read below for the written guide:
Read More: I 3D Printed A Raspberry Pi Case That AI Designed