3D Printed Caliper Extensions Make Hole Measurement Easier
Originally published on hackaday.com by Dan Maloney on 6 December 2024
Misaligned mounting holes can be a maddening problem, especially when precise measurements don’t quite pan out. To address this, Chris Long designed 3D-printed snap-on attachments for digital calipers to simplify measuring the distance between holes. These tools feature cone-shaped tips that align perfectly with the caliper jaws, allowing for direct center-to-center measurements without additional calculations.
While machinists often use the traditional method of zeroing calipers on a hole’s diameter before measuring the outside-to-outside distance, this approach can be challenging when clearance is tight, such as on a populated PCB. Chris’s attachments offer an elegant alternative, making it easier to measure in tight spaces while maintaining accuracy.
These attachments are affordable, requiring only a bit of filament and print time, and they promise to save users from the frustration of starting over due to misaligned holes. A handy tool for makers and engineers alike!
Read more: 3D Printed Caliper Extensions Make Hole Measurement Easier
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