Weather station powered by Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi enthusiasts and those of you looking to learn more about electronics or monitor the weather in your local area might be interested in a new Raspberry Pi powered weather station created by member “donskytech”. The project features how to use a Raspberry Pi Pico W BMP/BME 280 microcontroller to build your very own station using the MicroPython framework and MQTT. Check out the video below to learn more about the station project. Classed as an intermediate project the station takes approximately 10 hours to build from scratch.
“This is an example Raspberry Pi Pico W BMP/BME 280 Weather station project that I built using MicroPython framework and MQTT. The Raspberry Pi Pico W is regularly publishing MQTT messages that sends the readings of the BMP/BME 280 sensor using MicroPython. The custom MQTT dashboard receives MQTT messages thru WebSocket and display it thru text and graphs. The MQTT dashboard is built using Node.js and Express framework. It is using the Mosquitto application as my MQTT broker.”
Raspberry Pi weather station
Read More: Weather station powered by Raspberry Pi Pico – Geeky Gadgets