This WiFi Filament Sensor is Unnecessary, But Awesome
As desktop 3D printers have become more mainstream, manufacturers have significantly improved the quality of filaments, making them more consistent and reliable. Today, even affordable filaments are well-wound and maintain a consistent diameter. However, for those who produce their own filaments or need precise extrusion calibration, the WInFiDEL from Sasa Karanovic offers a valuable solution by detecting filament diameter in real-time while keeping costs and complexity low.
The WInFiDEL is an evolution of the InFiDEL sensor designed by Thomas Sanladerer. Both sensors use a pair of bearings, with one fixed and the other on an arm with a magnet. As filament passes through, the arm’s movement is detected by a Hall-effect sensor, providing accurate filament diameter data. The significant upgrade in the WInFiDEL is the replacement of the ATTiny85 microcontroller with an ESP32, enabling WiFi connectivity and a web interface. This interface includes calibration tools and real-time data plotting, with an API for integration with tools like OctoPrint.
While the WInFiDEL’s real-time filament diameter measurement may not be necessary for most users, its high-quality design and functionality make it an appealing tool for those who require or appreciate precise filament control in their 3D printing setups.
Read more: This WiFi Filament Sensor is Unnecessary, But Awesome