Raspberry Pi-Powered Galactus Helmet Takes Cosplay to the Next Level
The Raspberry Pi is no stranger to the world of cosplay. We’ve covered numerous Pi projects over the years; including a wearable Game Boy cosplay that was actually playable thanks to the Pi. Today we have another clever cosplay creation to share with you developed by a maker known as Amish Shulze; who’s using a Pi to add electronic effects to a helmet for a Galactus cosplay.
According to Schulze; he’s worked with the Pi since it first debuted but recently started using them for his work as a TV and film fixtures technician. This experience has culminated over the years, along with his reputation for helping those around him with their electronics needs. In this case, a buddy planning to attend Baltimore Comic-Con asked for help sprucing up his Galactus cosplay; leading to the Pi-powered creation we’re featuring today.
Initially, the friend asked Shulze to install a few LEDs for some visual flair. This quickly evolved into a more complicated project design involving a camera, touchscreen; and remotely accessible web server operating on a Raspberry Pi. The Pi is mounted to the back of the head and is covered by a touchscreen used to display output for the camera module on the front. This effectively allows users to see through the head.
Schulze uses an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 module Pi and a 5MP Arducam camera module. The touchscreen spans 4-inches across and has a resolution of 800 x 480px. It relies on an Anker USB brick and a 12v RC car battery; in his pocket for power to keep everything mobile. The various components are attached to the helmet using 3D printed mount supports.
Read more: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-galactus-cosplay-helmet