Arduino-Powered Trap Hopes To Catch Mice
While the age-old saying about creating a better mousetrap isn’t necessarily a ticket to wealth, a project by [ROBO HUB] teaches us some valuable lessons. This endeavor focuses on crafting a humane mouse trap that catches these critters without harming them.
Here’s how it works: The trap employs an Arduino Nano equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor to detect when mice enter a plastic container. The container’s door, attached to a servo, remains open until a mouse is detected. Once a mouse is identified, the servo releases the door, which snaps shut thanks to an elastic band.
The key to success here lies in designing the trap with no escape routes for the crafty little critters. Mice are notorious for squeezing through the tiniest gaps, so creating a secure seal is essential. Furthermore, regular checks are crucial to prevent trapped mice from attempting to claw or chew their way to freedom. It’s a humane approach to dealing with a common household issue.
What you’ll need:
- ATmega328P Arduino Compatible Nano V3 Improved Version
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring Module
- Mini Breadboard 170 – White
Read more: Arduino-Powered Trap Hopes To Catch Mice