A Spinning Egg For Your Thoughts?
The Motion Zero is a mesmerizing and unique device, a brushless motor in the form of a free-spinning shiny metal egg, brought to life by the collaborative efforts of David Windestål, Giacomo Di Muro, and Chad Kapper. At first glance, it resembles a polished metallic egg, but it possesses a fascinating secret. The egg is designed to stand on its end when spun at a sufficient speed, much like the classic Tippe Top toy.
The engineering behind this captivating device is both innovative and intricate. Embedded magnets within the metal egg effectively transform it into a rotor, while an array of four PCB coils beneath a smooth concave surface acts as the stator. Hall effect sensors are used to determine the egg’s position, allowing for precise control over the state of the coils, ensuring the egg keeps spinning steadily.
Designed with meditation in mind, the Motion Zero features a top cover made of machined aluminum with ripple patterns, along with ball bearings that glide between the ripples to serve as the control interface. Additional hall effect sensors on the PCB monitor the position of the balls to adjust rotation speed and the shut-off timer. An ESP32 module serves as the main controller, reading data from the hall effect sensors and controlling the coils via motor drivers. The Motion Zero has already achieved its Kickstarter funding goal, showcasing the creators’ willingness to share the inner workings of this engineering masterpiece that turns a simple concept into an artful marvel of technology.
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