Tiny Arduino Drone Even Has an FPV Camera
Max Imagination has taken a different approach to drone design by creating a miniature Arduino-based drone that fits in the palm of your hand. Despite its small size, this drone packs quite a punch in terms of functionality.
Powered by an Arduino Pro Mini, the drone incorporates an MPU6050 IMU for motion sensing and flight control. Communication with the drone is facilitated through an NRF24L01 module. For propulsion, four small coreless motors are utilized, driven by tiny MOSFETs. Power is supplied by a compact 220 mAh lithium-polymer battery. Additionally, an FPV camera is integrated into the drone, allowing the pilot to see its perspective through goggles.
Flight control is achieved using MultiWii software, specially designed for multirotor crafts. Max controls the drone using a custom-built controller, which also communicates with the drone via an NRF24L01 module.
Despite its diminutive size, this Arduino-based drone demonstrates impressive capabilities and showcases Max Imagination’s ingenuity in miniaturized drone design.
Read more: Tiny Arduino Drone Even Has an FPV Camera