This Raspberry Pi ‘Expanso Football’ is a cool distributed compute cluster in a briefcase
Originally published on by Ash Hill on 18 November 2024
Showcasing software at conventions often demands eye-catching and efficient demonstrations, and Sean Tracey of Expanso nailed this challenge with a Raspberry Pi-powered cluster cleverly housed in a briefcase, dubbed the Expanso Football. Built for TechCrunch Disrupt to demonstrate Expanso’s open-source tool Bacalhau, this project became a standout attraction.
Bacalhau enables real-time data processing at its point of generation, but conveying its complexity during brief interactions required a creative approach. Tracey turned to the idea of a “nuclear football” form factor to make the cluster both functional and visually engaging. Remarkably, he assembled the entire system in under 48 hours, including a transatlantic flight from the UK to the US.
The briefcase cluster comprises four Raspberry Pis. One acts as the orchestrator node, managing the other three nodes that perform workload demonstrations. A compact display mounted on the inside of the briefcase’s lid provides a live view of the system in action. Below a keyboard on the base lies the hidden wiring jungle, maintaining a clean presentation.
Tracey’s build was a hit, drawing curious attendees eager to explore the Raspberry Pi cluster and its role in running Bacalhau. Future plans for the Expanso Football include aesthetic enhancements, additional features, and colorful LEDs, aligning with Expanso’s branding.
For a detailed look at the creation of the Expanso Football, you can explore its blog post. Alternatively, catch Sean Tracey in the upcoming episode of The Pi Cast for insights directly from the maker himself.
Read more: This Raspberry Pi ‘Expanso Football’ is a cool distributed compute cluster in a briefcase
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