The 8-Way Joystick
So why 8 way Joystick, but only 4 sensors?
To give you a bit of background…
What is a Joystick?
A joystick is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or direction to the device it is controlling. A joystick, also known as the control column, is the principal control device in the cockpit of many civilian and military aircraft, either as a centre stick or side-stick. Wikipedia
Even though the joystick has only has 4 inputs. It is still referred to as an 8 way joystick.
If we look at the main inputs that we have, they would be as follows:
- 1 Up (North)
- 2 Right (East)
- 3 Down (South)
- 4 Left (West)
If you press the joy stick in the direction of 45 degrees in the middle of North and East, you will get your 5th function – called up/right
This will then give you the following:
- 1. Way 1 Up
- 2. Way 5 Up/Right (@ 45 degrees between the two)
- 3. Way 2 Right
- 4. Way 6 Right/Down (@ 45 degrees between the two)
- 5. Way 3 Down
- 6. Way 7 Down/Left (@ 45 degrees between the two)
- 7. Way 4 Left
- 8. Way 8 Left/Up (@ 45 degrees between the two)

Please do contact us if you think we should write a small GUI where you can test your controller and it shows you where it will be pointing?
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