Raspberry Pi Pico W Gives Your Plant Emotions with Face Animations | Tom's Hardware
Originally published on tomshardware.com by Ash Hill on 17 June 2023
Raspberry Pi project called EmoPot, created by a maker known as Penguin Pranav, brings a unique twist to plant care by animating faces on a Raspberry Pi Pico W to monitor and display the plant’s emotional state. EmoPot uses a TFT LCD display module to show 8 unique faces that respond to different sensors and their readings. Additionally the Pico W’s wireless support enables it to act as an IoT device, integrating with Blynk to determine the plant’s conditions and select the appropriate face. However if you’re interested in other sensor projects have a look at this article we made for anybody in need of some ideas ( Make sure to check the related posts as well): 6 Useful Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects You Can Do
The faces range from happy and sad expressions for good and bad conditions to a blank face for neutral data. For example, a sweaty and stressed face appears in hot conditions, while a chilly expression with visible teeth appears in cold temperatures. When the plant needs water, a thirsty face with a sticking-out tongue is displayed. EmoPot even features a fun vampire face and a special rain cloud animation that can overlay any face.
Sensor Readings
The project is powered entirely by a Raspberry Pi Pico W, and the faces are generated using the ILI9341 display library which allows for graphics made from basic shapes. Here’s some displays we have: Unicorn HAT or IIC / I2C 1602 Blue Backlight LCD Display Module For Arduino. If you’re looking for others just search display in our store and see what else we offer. Although the specific details of monitoring moisture and temperature levels are not mentioned, integrating sensors like moisture sensors would facilitate data collection. Each plant requires a separate module for monitoring. Pranav uses Blynk to handle the IoT functionality, allowing him to monitor the sensor data. The full project breakdown is available on Medium for those interested in recreating or learning more about EmoPot.
Looking for some more sensors that you might be able to apply this project to? Here’s a kit with several sensor modules:
Read More: Raspberry Pi Pico W Gives Your Plant Emotions with Face Animations | Tom’s Hardware
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