Printed Case Lets Pair of RTL-SDRs Go Mobile
Originally published on by Tom Nardi on 29 May 2024
Jay Doscher has created a sleek 3D printed enclosure designed to house a pair of RTL-SDR Blog V4 software-defined radios (SDRs). Though the specific application for the SDRs isn’t clear, the design’s quality and versatility are noteworthy.
The enclosure features ventilation and includes a StarTech USB hub connecting the two SDRs. The design’s modularity stands out, with separable end pieces and top and bottom plates, allowing easy modifications without needing to reprint the entire case. This setup can be adapted for various USB devices, like flash drives or WiFi adapters, by adjusting the side panels.
Furthermore, the design can be easily printed without support material, and with minor adjustments, it could accommodate laser-cut side panels. This would expedite the process and potentially create a sturdier enclosure depending on the chosen material. Overall, Jay’s design is practical and adaptable, making it a versatile solution for housing various USB gadgets.
Read more: Printed Case Lets Pair of RTL-SDRs Go Mobile
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