Pour One Out for This Bottle-Playing Robot
This project involves creating a robot capable of playing music on glass bottles. The maker, Jens Maker Adventures, started by composing a song and condensing it to eight notes. To determine the musical range of each bottle, they experimented by tapping the bottles with a butter knife while adjusting the water level inside. The water’s level allowed them to find the lowest and highest notes for each bottle.
Initially, the plan was to use 9g servos to strike the bottles, but these proved insufficient. As a solution, solenoids were employed instead. Using Boxes.py, a bottle holder was parametrically designed to arrange the bottles in a circular formation and enable them to be struck from the inside. This setup concealed both the Arduino and the solenoid driver board. The project showcases a creative approach to making music with glass bottles through the use of a bottle-playing robot.
This isnt hte only musical instrument we’ve covered check out our previous article about a robot playing an ocarina from Zelda
Read more: Pour One Out for This Bottle-Playing Robot