MonkMakes is a manufacturer of kits and accessories for the BBC micro:bit and Raspberry Pi.
Monk Makes Ltd design and manufacture a wide range of electronics kits and circuit boards. Nearly all of their products are manufactured or assembled in the UK. As well as supporting educators, their products are also popular with electronics makers and enthusiasts. They are not a retail outlet. Design and manufacturing remain their main goal. So they rely on resellers to provide their great products to you.
We are happy to announce that we are also now on that list.
Solar Experimenters Kit For micro:bit
This is a project kit that allows you to experiment with harvesting energy from the sun and other light sources. It consists of a solar panel to harvest the energy. A solar store that stores the harvested energy. This energy can be used to drive a low energy light bulb and a motor. There are three projects that introduce energy harvesting without the micro:bit. Followed by 3 bigger projects that use the micro:bit (not provided) as an intelligent controller. The micro:bit monitors and manages the charging and discharging of the solar store. Using a practical and experiment-led approach.
Animatronic Head Kit for micro:bit
This kit contains everything you need (except a micro:bit and batteries) to make an animatronic head with two moving eyeballs and sound from a loudspeaker. The kit includes software for three simple projects. But we also hope that you will use this kit to write you own programs and you can also add to the basic head mechanism and build it into something even more fun.
Electronics kit 1 for Raspberry Pi Pico
This low-cost simple to use electronics kit will teach you electronics and coding with your Raspberry Pi Pico. Build ten great projects including: A touch switch, a thermometer, a light meter and lie detector and much MORE ! The kit includes the following components: custom breadboard with Pico pin names, jumper wires, header pins, a servomotor, resistors, LEDs (including a huge 10mm RGB LED), two push switches, a phototransistor, buzzer and variable resistor. Now also including a free download of a 68 page instructions book by Simon Monk. Raspberry Pi Pico not included
Project Box 1 for Raspberry Pi
The Project Box for Raspberry Pi contains all the components needed. Together with easy to follow instruction cards. In order to complete 10 simple projects involving LEDs, thermistor, phototransistor and switches. And is an ideal starting point for anyone new to electronics and the Raspberry Pi. Also including a booklet by Simon Monk, is free to download and explains how to use the kit and build the projects. Raspberry Pi not included
Amplified speaker kit for Raspberry Pi
Designed for the Raspberry Pi or Arduino. We bring you this speaker Kit. The MonkMakes Amplified Speaker is an easy to use amplified speaker based on the PAM8302 digital amplifier IC. The board needs a 5V power supply that can be provided by a Raspberry Pi or Arduino. Audio input will normally be to the 3.5mm stereo audio jack socket. Raspberry Pi or Arduino not included
Air quality kit for Raspberry Pi
The MonkMakes Air Quality Kit for Raspberry Pi is based around the MonkMakes Air Quality Sensor board. This add-on for the Raspberry Pi measures the quality of the air in a room (how stale the air is) as well as the temperature. The board has a display of six LEDs that display the air quality and a buzzer. Temperature and air quality readings can be read by your Raspberry Pi. And the buzzer and LED display can also be controlled from it. The Air Quality Sensor board, plugs directly into the back of a Raspberry Pi 400. But, can also be used with other models of Raspberry Pi, using the jumper wires and GPIO template included in the kit. This board uses the CCS811 VOC sensor IC and a TMP235 temperature sensor. It also has a rudimentary display and a buzzer. Raspberry Pi not included