IOT Comes to Pico
With the ever-growing world of IOT and micro controllers. The Raspberry Pi Foundation launched their new Raspberry Pi Pico. Based on the RP2040 and ever since, a whole new world of opportunity has opened.
Since the launch of the Pico, the range of add-ons available have only increased. Whether you want to create a game, automate something, or get your toes wet in IOT. The Pico has an add-on now available for you.
What is IOT?
The Internet Of Things describes the network of physical objects, so known as, “things”. These things are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies. These are used for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet. Wikipedia

To name a few we have the SIM7020E NB-IoT Module For Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico Wireless Pack, and last but certainly not least ESP8266 WiFi Module for Raspberry Pi. What all of these modules have in common is adding networking and data transferring capability to the Micro controller.
Why do I want this?
All projects that involve collecting data. Whether it is reading from other hardware like a sensor, running an algorithm or simply keeping time. You will probably want to do something with that data. Now, sure you can always save this onto a SD card. But then this still involves removing the card and reading it in.
To make this process a little simpler, you can send the data to a server. From here store the data and perform tasks like creating a graphical output, or performing calculations on the data or even saving the data is now much simpler.