How to Set Up Duck DNS on the Raspberry Pi
Originally published on by Emmet on 24 November 2023
Duck DNS is a user-friendly and cost-free Dynamic DNS provider that allows users to generate subdomains and dynamically link them to their IP addresses. This service proves valuable for those who prefer not to invest in their domain names, such as with Cloudflare, offering subdomains under the domain “” Despite being a free service, users are encouraged to consider donations to Duck DNS via Patreon. The primary advantage of employing a Dynamic DNS provider like Duck DNS on a Raspberry Pi lies in maintaining a domain name consistently pointing to the user’s IP address, especially in cases where internet providers frequently change IP addresses.
Setting up Duck DNS involves obtaining an API token from the Duck DNS website and creating a domain for use on Raspberry Pi. The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide, ensuring that the IP address is automatically updated every five minutes with Duck DNS. By running this service on a Raspberry Pi, users can maintain services like Minecraft or Plex servers without concerns about IP address changes imposed by the internet provider. Duck DNS stands out for its straightforward API, eliminating the need for tools like ddclient for IP updates.
The process involves creating a Duck DNS account, obtaining a token, creating a domain, and configuring the Raspberry Pi to continually update the IP address. Furthermore the provided bash script and Cron Job configuration automate this process, ensuring the IP address updates every five minutes, providing a reliable and free Dynamic DNS solution for Raspberry Pi users.
The post How to Set Up Duck DNS on the Raspberry Pi appeared first on Pi My Life Up.
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