Raspberry Pi Automatic Remote Fish Feeder By Sepfy
Taking care of pets can be immensely rewarding, but sometimes our busy schedules make it difficult to keep up with their needs. To help with this, a maker named Sepfy on Hackster has developed a clever fish-feeding project using a Raspberry Pi. This innovative setup allows you to feed your fish remotely and even monitor them with a live camera feed, ensuring they are well-fed and cared for even when you can’t be there in person.
This project is perfect for times when you’re running late or planning a short trip out of town. With an internet connection and a device like a computer or smartphone, you can keep an eye on your fish and ensure they get fed on schedule. The system is designed to be user-friendly; it’s accessible via a web browser, allowing you to manage feeding times remotely with just a few clicks.
The project uses a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W as the main controller, which handles several key tasks. It hosts a web server for streaming the live video feed from the fish tank and provides an interface to manage feeding times. When you use the web interface to trigger feeding, the Raspberry Pi sends a command to the feeder mechanism, which then dispenses a precise amount of food into the tank. This setup ensures that your aquatic pets are fed regularly without overfeeding.

Sepfy has made this project entirely open source, allowing anyone to recreate it at home. The setup includes a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W connected to a Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3, all encased in a 3D-printed shell that can be suctioned to the side of the fish tank. A stepper motor rotates a wheel on top of the feeder, which carefully dispenses food into the tank. Sepfy has provided comprehensive instructions on how to set up the operating system image and use the provided scripts to control both the feeding mechanism and the remote web interface. This project is a great example of how Raspberry Pi can be used for practical and fun pet care automation.
Read more: Feed your fish remotely with this Raspberry Pi-powered feeding system