A Smart LED Dice Box Thanks To The Internet of Things
Jonathan’s dice box project is a fascinating blend of traditional tabletop gaming and modern technology, creating an IoT-enabled accessory that adds a new dimension to the gaming experience. By integrating Pixels Dice—smart dice equipped with Bluetooth connectivity and internal LEDs—the dice box not only tracks and logs dice rolls but also provides a visual and interactive component to tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons.
The dice box itself is a repurposed octagonal container, outfitted with a hidden battery and an ESP32 microcontroller. The ESP32 handles the communication with the dice, as well as the overall operation of the box. This setup allows the box to wirelessly log roll data, display statistics, and even create visual effects in response to the outcomes of the rolls.
One of the standout features of the project is the integration of wireless charging for the dice, ensuring they are always ready for the next game session without the hassle of replacing batteries. Additionally, the box includes a screen to display status information, adding another layer of functionality and user interaction.
The project doesn’t just stop at roll logging; it also includes mood lighting and animations that react to the dice rolls. For instance, the box can light up in a specific pattern if a roll passes a skill check in a tabletop RPG, adding an extra element of excitement and immersion to the game.
For tabletop enthusiasts who enjoy tracking their performance or analyzing the randomness of their rolls, this project offers a unique and fun way to engage with the game. It could also provide valuable insights into the statistical trends of their dice rolls, potentially revealing patterns or confirming suspicions about lucky or unlucky dice.
Overall, Jonathan’s dice box is a creative and innovative project that merges the physical and digital worlds, enhancing the gaming experience with technology in a way that’s both practical and entertaining. It’s a must-see for any tabletop gamer interested in the intersection of gaming and IoT.
Read more: A Smart LED Dice Box Thanks To The Internet of Things