A Raspberry Pi Recreates the Horrors of Retro Broadcast TV, but With Modern Content
Before you complain about there being nothing to watch on Netflix; check out Rodrigo Feliciano’s potent reminder of just how awful watching broadcast TV once was. Using a Raspberry Pi, this hacked black-and-white set simulates the classic TV experience using modern content.
Believe it or not, tiny analogue TVs that struggled to tune in to over-the-air broadcasts were a mainstay of kid’s bedrooms in the ‘80s and ‘90s; and were even something to brag about. Before then, black-and-white analogue TVs were a luxury. It’s almost impossible to even give away analogue tube TVs at this point; but Feliciano’s hack has found a novel way to breathe new life into a five-inch black-and-white portable set that was long ago abandoned.
That portability is key to the hack, since the emptied out battery compartment leaves plenty of room for other components. Without the batteries (which would have died quickly, anyway); the compartment had more than enough room to hide a Raspberry Pi and other electronics without requiring the TV itself to be opened or modified: a risky endeavour given the high voltages tube TVs relied on.
Read More: A Raspberry Pi Recreates the Horrors of Retro Broadcast TV, but With Modern Content