A Fully-Transparent Air Bubble Display
Despite starting with good intentions, RealCorebb spent a full year on the BBAir project, aiming for a transparent air bubble display. Inspired by a Minecraft subscriber counter, the project evolved to use air channels controlled by solenoids, reducing wiring complexity with a custom PCB.
After assembling an acrylic enclosure and connecting the components, a testing phase revealed air leakage due to solenoid installation. Addressing this issue, RealCorebb moved on to coding, and while the fluid used (water, glycerine, or silicone oil) remains undisclosed, the final display is visually appealing.
The build video, with English subtitles, showcases the project’s evolution, emphasizing the challenges faced during the year-long journey. Despite the extended timeline, RealCorebb successfully created a captivating transparent air bubble display, highlighting the persistence and creativity required in ambitious projects.
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Read more: A Fully-Transparent Air Bubble Display