6 Ways to Find a Raspberry Pi's IP Address
Quite often, it is necessary to know the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. You will need the IP to configure any service related to networking, such as SSH. Also, you need to know the IP when using the Pi as a web server, a file server, or a print server.
It is easy to find the Raspberry Pi’s IP address using the GUI, command line, or network scan, which are all discussed here.
1. Find the IP Address in the GUI
When you are using a desktop version of Raspberry Pi OS, it is quite easy to find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Just hover your mouse pointer over the Network icon on the panel at the top, and it should show the IP address immediately.

If you are using a different OS such as Ubuntu or Ubuntu MATE, clicking the Network icon shows the IP address.

2. Find the IP Address From the Command Line
To find the Raspberry Pi’s IP address on the local network, enter the terminal command:
hostname -I
Unlike some other network commands, this will filter out all the unnecessary details and provide just the IP address. If you have connected to the network using both Ethernet and Wi-Fi, it shows both the addresses. Also, note the capital I; if you instead enter the command hostname -i, you will get the Pi’s internal loopback (aka localhost) address.

If you need more details about the Pi’s network interfaces, enter the command:

On modern versions of Linux, the ip command has superseded ifconfig. To display the IP addresses of your network interfaces, enter:
ip a

Read More: 6 Ways to Find a Raspberry Pi’s IP Address – MakeUseOf